I had to bring together 3 CIOs and their transformation leads to agree on reducing their annual budget basis an agreed ROI out of a product - CI/CD. We had to balance between their individual needs to retain annual budget vs organizational priority to reduce the spend. In leadership principles, we use concepts - ‘social dilemma; To obtain consensus, we generated perspective wherein CIOs could utilize the budget saved via ROI for new value generating activities.

As part of strategic planning, we use decision tree method to help determine the investment path between cost optimization against continued technology transformation, to determine expected quantifiable outcome and measure risks.

The same approach is now we are looking to expand using Internal API Gateway built on APIGEE, these recommendations are now part of their roadmap for Q1 2021. From effort quantification perspective, this would deliver an additional ROI save of 10% YoY basis

This enabled CTO products to move from cost center to profit center that is enabling cost save for WFT. The cross functional collaboration also aided in the same. We are now moving towards product centric organization.